We are proud to provide an education that meets the needs of working families.
We offer on-site care before and after school for all students in the Prep, Senior and Sixth Form. This is all at no extra cost & included within the termly fees. This provision runs alongside our full and varied after-school co-curricular programme.
Early drop-off
Supervision is available from 8am during term time.
Children can be dropped off from 8am on a daily basis, a few days a week, or just as a one off.
In the Preparatory School, each day there are a selection of arts and craft, games and toys for children. In summer months children will also have the opportunity to play outside.
In our Senior School there is a supervised session prior to form time within our dining hall.
After School Club
Runs every evening from 3:45pm until 6pm.
Similar to our early morning drop-off, children can attend homework club daily, a few days a week, or just as a one off. There are a selection of arts and craft, games and toys for Prep School children. If requested, children can spend this time completing their reading or homework for school. In summer months children will have the opportunity to play outside and in winter they will have access to the hall for physical activities.
Senior School students will attend a teacher or SLT supervised homework session within a classroom environment.